Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Poem - Listen

Can you hear me?

Are you there?

All alone like me.

I can see you across the void.
  Your home, comfortable and warm.

I send you messages with information.
  To engage you, but you don't reply.

Is it that hard?  Do you understand me?
  Or is the ability just beyond your grasp?

The hard work of advance.  Each one lleading
  to the next bringing technology to
  to use for a purpose.

Far away across space and time, we
  look and ask if anyone is there.
  And wait for a reply.

Time is our currency, while radio waves
  make a slow march, looking for attention.
  Of those that can hear me.

-- 1999

Poem - Starshine

Can you see the stars shine?
They twinkle in the dark
As the Earth turns beneath
Showing us the glories above.

Hidden jewels sparkle
Among the nebulae.
Young stars cast their first light.
Old stars show their last.

Galaxies hold the stars
in orbit, in orbit.
Arms carry them
Spinning in a slow dance.

Spread across the unvierse
They push back the darkness.
And give light.
And give hope.

For the future traveller
Places to explore.
New planets, yes.
New peoples, perhaps.

There is only one way
To find out for sure.
Go to the stars,
And make our own starshine.


Saturday, September 01, 2018

Send a post card to Mars

We haven't heard from the Opportunity rover in a long time, but NASA wants people to send a post card back.  Go for it, it's free and easy.