Monday, December 29, 2014

.@computeramerica Line Up for the Week of December 29, 2014

Lineup for the week:
No LIVE Shows for the next week!  Please enjoy a select "Best of Computer America" Shows that YOU asked to hear again!


May Your Hard Disk Never Become Floppy!
See You Next Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

When the wrong number turns into something right... :

1955 – An ad by a Colorado Springs-based Sears store in the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph appeared with a telephone number encouraging children to call Santa Claus.  Unfortunately, the phone number given was a misprint and was actual the number for the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center in Colorado Springs.  On the upside, this simple error led to the current NORAD Tracks Santa program.

Christmas Cookies... :

Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies:

 1 Cup Water
 1 Tsp Baking Soda
 1 Cup Sugar
 1 Tsp Salt
1 Cup Brown Sugar
 4 Large Eggs
 1 Cup Nuts
 2 Cups Dried Fruit
 1 Bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo,
Sample the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one Level
 Cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in
 a large fluffy bowl. Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this
 point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another
 cup,,, just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and
 add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging
 fruit off the floor.

 . . Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters,
 just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check for
 tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves a
 sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain
 your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever
 you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try
not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw
 the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to
 put the stove in the wishdasher.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2014

An Article from StarFortressCCA!

Since there's not a Computer Class next week, I thought I'd take a minute or 30 to type a little letter to cover a few things for the end of the year.

First, scams are in full swing.  From the usual "You have viruses" to "Help, gramma, I'm in jail," the scammers are trying harder than ever to get your money.  Be it by credit card, money order, Western Union transfer, they will try anything.

Here's a link that has good info on the PayPal spoofing scam:

Remember, Microsoft, the IRS, the Sheriff and others won't call you to send a money order.  They'll send mail or actual people to your door.

Second, I know we are all looking for good deals now.  And there are a few right now.  But, I've been seeing "cheap" Windows 8 tablets on sale.  These tend to be a case of "too cheap."  Some are being sold with just 1GB of memory and 16GB of storage.  This is great, if it's an Android tablet from two years ago.  For a brand new Windows tablet, it'll be slow and annoying to use.  2GB of memory is the minimum and I'd go for at least 64GB of storage.  Even with 64GB, half of that is used by Windows.  For better use of storage, an Android tablet might be a better choice.  Samsung Galaxy Tab and Asus Memo pads, plus Dell has nice tablets in the 7 and 8" sizes.

Third, been seeing lots of cheap laptops too.  Also have to be careful with these.  Some are priced about $200, but have 2GB of memory, 32GB of storage and displays on the order of 11-13 inches.  If it's a Chromebook (Google's operating system), this is fine.  But for Windows, not so much.  I have seen some rather nice entry-level laptop in the 250-300 dollar range.  The $100 makes a big difference with 4GB of memory and 320 to 500GB of storage.  You might even find a Pentium quad-core processor.

Fourth, after living a touchscreen laptop for six months, I'd say you can probably live without it.  I don't use nearly as much as I thought I would for the touchscreen.  And Windows still has a long way to go to be a "touchscreen operating system."  The buttons and controls are too small, or the touches aren't detected correctly.  Plus, installing a Start Menu program such as Classic Start Shell goes a long way toward mitigating the issues of the Start Screen and Apps Screen.

Fifth, a friendly reminder to make those backups, be they data or recovery/restore disks that the makers didn't send.  And those anti-virus and anti-malware scans, update them and run about once a week.  Looks for "https" on the web site address for a secure site.  If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Sixth, ask questions.  If you are thinking it, so are other people.  And I never tell tales out of class so don't be afraid to let me know if there's something you need to know.  I'm happy to help and love getting emails from people other than AT&T and Dish.  :)  

Next year, we'll dig into setting up your computer, moving files, creating folders, burning DVDs and CDs, making documents and how to archive the ones we have, attaching files to your email, keeping Windows secure, learning what's in the mysterious box, how to make it run better, last longer and do what we want.

I wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a relaxing and stress free end to the year.  All my best to my friends that make this all possible and enjoyable to keep doing.

But fear not, this won't be the last email of the year, I plan to keep sending a few more later.  There's always something new that needs to be passed on and learned.

Lineup for the week:
No LIVE Shows for the next 2 weeks!  Please enjoy a select "Best of Computer America" Shows that YOU asked to hear again!


Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Long Drive:

Had to drive out to Suey Creek today.

On the way out 166.

Some trees a the southern end of Suey Creek.


More tress.

Yet again, trees.

A road! It gets narrower.

Oh, look!  Some trees.

The road ahead.

It goes waaay far downhill.

This is their driveway.  Off to the left, certain death.

Almost at the end.

Oh look, it goes down.

A little bit of a valley.

The way home.

Trees on one side, creek on the other.

The road is now wide enough to be divided.

Whew!  Back at highway 166.  No cliffs.

Looking south towards Santa Maria.

Turned out to be a lovely day.

1930 Pierce-Arrow

Drove out to a client's house today.  17 mile drive up a narrow canyon road with rather severe drops and cliffs.  The keyboard was in the wrong port.  But in the garage was this.  It's fantastic.  they just don't make cars like this anymore.  Beautiful straight engine, wooden wheels, leather trunk, art deco interior lights (sorry about the focus), and that chrome.  All that lovely, lovely chrome.

Monday, December 15, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the Week of December 15th, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Microsoft is here to discuss migration to Windows 10 as well as from Windows Server 3000 to Windows Server 2012 R2, upgrading to Office 365 and Microsoft Azure.  Joining us are Jordan Chrysafidis - Vice President, Microsoft Corp. US OEM Sales and Marketing, and Scott Woodgate - Director of Product Marketing, Integrated Marketing.
Hour two:
Zumur helps both buyers and sellers keep more money in their pocket. The first vendor-neutral online personal comparison shopping service, Zumur’s advanced filtering capabilities, predictive pricing and "buy now" notifications save shoppers time and money in searching for virtually any product available online. Joinng us is Abhishek Tawari, CEO of Zumur.
Hour one: Moller International. If you have been dreaming of owning a flying car. perhaps it may be coming sooner than you thought!  Join us as we interview the CEO of Moller International and President of Freedom Motors, Dr. Paul Moller!
Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: Intel!  It's our monthly Intel Sponsor Hour!  Each month, Intel joins us to discuss the latest events, products and services Intel is involved with and this month, it's all about what's cool for Holiday Shopping!


Hour two: The GizWiz.  Dick DeBartolo is Mad Magazine’s maddest writer who discovers wonderful, sometimes insane devices and technology gadgets to delight most anyone who listens!  Tonight, he talks about The Bag Butler, the Walkera Scout X4 Drone, The BloomSky Weather monitor, the Pavloc monitor, the Ozobot - a tiny robot with a big brain, new types of bluetooth speakers and so much more.  Be there!

Both hours: It's our all Linux Show with Computer America Correspondent Larry Bushey, the Host of the Going Linux Podcast!  Tonight's Topic: "Applications for Linux That I Use Every Day - And They’re Not Just For Linux!"
Also returning to us will be Marcel Gagne!  Marcel is slated to become our RETURNING Linux Correspondent in January so please welcome him back to our Show.  After being with us for seven years, Larry passes the Linux baton over to Marcel!
Hour one: Apple Expert and Computer America Correspondent Gene Steinberg joins us for this, our last Show of 2014!

Hour two: For our last Hour of 2014, Malware Expert and Threat Strategist and Spokesperson for F-Secure David Perry joins us to discuss Santa, Malware and whatever else strikes his fancy!


Visit the F-Secure Website

Friday, December 12, 2014

To Install or Update Sun Java

(Note, Google Chrome has its own updater for Java and does not need to be updated manually.)

Go to this address:

Click the red button which will then turn into a red
Download> button, click that one too.

Fire fox and Internet Explorer will tell you that you have chosen to open the jxpiinstall.exe file, and

would you like to save it? Click the button on Firefox, then save it in the Downloads folder.

Once the file is done downloading, click the blue arrow at the top right of Firefox, then click the first file

listed. If the User Account Control comes up, click . Close all browser windows at this time.

The installer will still run.

You will then see the “Java Setup – Welcome” screen. Click the > button. The setup screen

will go away for a moment, then the “Java Setup” screen will come back. On this screen, uncheck the

box by “Set Ask as my default search provider.”

Then click . This screen will also go away.

The “Java Setup – Progress” screen will come up and then turn into the “Java Setup – Restore Security

Prompts” screen. Allow it to restore those settings by leaving the check mark in the box. Then click


The following screen should say “Java Setup = Complete,” click and you are now done. A

browser window will now open and take you to a “Verify Java Version” page. Click the red
Version> button. This should then open a Java program that checks the Java version and removes old

versions of Java. If you get a grey rectangle that says “Activate Java Platform SE 8 U, click that, then click

“Allow and Remember.” Next, a screen that says “Do you want to run this application?” will appear,

click . It should then say, “Congratualtions! You have the recommended Java installed (Version 8

Update 25).”

You may now close the browser, Java is updated.

Monday, December 08, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the week of December 8, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Sysaid Tech is an IT service management and help desk software that integrates all the essential IT tools into one Service Desk. Its rich set of features include a powerful Help Desk, Asset Management, and other easy-to-use tools for analyzing and optimizing help desk performance.

Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one and two: It's our Gamer Tuesday Show with Computer America Correspondent Grayson Hamilton!  Gray recently completed and received his Masters Degree of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and is actively pursuing a career in video game journalism.  Gray is an Editor-at-Large for Popzara Magazine!  He’s an experienced game enthusiast and author who will give us his viewpoints when it come to computer and set top games! Tonight we discuss the latest hot new games for the holidays!


Both Hours: Sandy Berger.  Sandy is our Consumer Electronics Expert Correspondent on Computer America.  She talks about the latest technology gadgets and trends in the industry with us. Tonight's Topics include the BL Flip 2 - portable wireless speaker, Samsung Galaxy 5 Tab S, Logitech Protective keyboard case for the Tab S, Amazon Fire TV Stick and lots more.  Be there!

Hour one: Author Dr. Derek Cheung.  Dr. Cheung is the former CEO of Rockwell Tech and business tech advisor, and is now an Author. In his newest book Conquering the Electron, he talks about the true and engaging history of the world of electronics. He offers many stories presenting each revolutionary technological advance right alongside blow-by-blow personal battles that all too often took place. You'll understand the interconnection of each advance to the next on the long journey to our modern-day technologies.  His book offers readers a true and engaging history of the world of electronics. Beginning with the discoveries of static electricity and magnetism and ending with the creation of the smartphone and the iPad, this book shows the interconnection of each advance to the next one on the long journey to our modern day technologies.
Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Both Hours: It's time for Bond...  Ralph Bond joins Craig and Ben with computer news and special topics.  For many years, Ralph was Intel's Consumer Education Director.  Ralph is now with Autodesk and he is an official Computer America correspondent. Topics tonight include ustom printed map clothing, wireless eye replacements, a predictor that is being used to stop crimes before they happen, order from a menu that reads your mind (well, almost), and so mucu more!

Visit Ralph's Website

Monday, December 01, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the Week of December 1, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Line 6 is a company of musicians who are also technologists. So, they’re fanatics about engineering innovative, amazing-sounding gear that's ready to go right out of the box. And they're pros who have a track record of designing category-defining products that shatter technical barriers so you can focus on your music. Hear all about their impressive line of products that make your music playing more enjoyable.  Joining us will be the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Marcus Ryle.

Hour two: TC- Helicon is the only pro audio company that is 100% dedicated to the performance needs of singers.  Their company is known worldwide for its team of musicians and developers who spend every moment of their working lives listening, talking, singing and interacting with singers and those who share the passion for the singing voice.

Hour one: Swarm is Kickstarter powered by bitcoin technology. It allows regular people to fund startups they like. Entrepeneurs raise more faster by engaging with more people. Funders participate in risk and reward. Joining us will be Joel Dietz, the CEO of Swarm.

Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: Mike Cermak, the Owner/Operator of joins us in in helping you answer your computer questions and solving technical problems!  It's Wednesday Madness and we answer ANY questions you may have about Computers and Technology!

Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: The DEMO Conference.  The DEMO conferences in the United States, China, Brazil, Russia and Vietnam focus on emerging technologies and new product innovations. The DEMO conferences have earned their reputation for consistently identifying tomorrow's cutting-edge technologies, helping them to secure venture funding, establish critical business relationships, and influence early adopters. The DEMO Scholarship Partner Program, subsidized by corporate sponsorships, offers multiple scholarship opportunities to ensure that deserving entrepreneurs have the chance to introduce cutting edge technology products at DEMO that might have otherwise gone undiscovered.
Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Both Hours: Popzara.  Please join us when Nathan Evans, the Managing Editor of Popzara joins us to discuss everything from Apple to Zettabytes.  Nathan is also a Computer America Correspondent who is knowledgable on just about everything.

Visit the Popzara Website

Monday, November 24, 2014

To Make the Shot --

A golfer is in a competitive match with a friend, who is ahead by a couple of strokes. "Boy, I'd give anything to sink this putt," the golfer mumbles to himself. Just then, a stranger walks up beside him and whispers, "Would you be willing to give up one-fourth of your sex life?"

Thinking the man is crazy and his answer will be meaningless, the golfer also feels that maybe this is a good omen so he says, "Sure, " and sinks the putt.
Two holes later, he mumbles to himself again, "Gee, I sure would like to get an eagle on this one." The same stranger is at his side again and whispers,  "Would it be worth giving up another fourth of your sex life?" Shrugging, the golfer replies, "Okay".  And he makes an eagle.

On the final hole, the golfer needs another eagle to win. Without waiting for him to say anything, the stranger quickly moves to his side and says, "Would winning this match be worth giving up the rest of your sex life?" "Definitely," the golfer replies, and he makes the eagle.
As the golfer is walking to the club house, the stranger walks alongside him and says, "I haven't really been fair with you because you don't know who I am. I'm the devil, and from this day forward you will have no sex life."

"Nice to meet you," the golfer replies, "I'm Father O' Malley."

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the Week of November 24, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Tobii works with developers and manufactures to create mind-blowing user experiences with computers, games and other devices. With Tobii EyeX they create an intuitive interface that uses your natural eye movements. Tobii also helps people with disabilities to communicate and gain more independence. To some, eye control is the only way to access computers and have a voice. Joining us is Tobii's Vice President of OEM Solutions, Carl Korobkin.

Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: Prosoft EngineeringDo you need to recover lost or deleted files? Do you have a crashed or corrupted hard drive? Are you unable to access an external hard drive, flash media or camera card? Get. Stuff. Back. With Data Rescue! Data Rescue is the #1 rated hard drive recovery software used by home users, forensic recovery teams, and IT groups worldwide. Data Rescue is easy-to-use hard drive and file recovery software. Works when other computer recovery software has failed. Available for both PC and Mac.  Joining us is the President and CEO, Greg Brewer.
Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.
Hour one:
Poieo3D. They believe that every family, student and child should benefit from the amazing world of three dimensional printing.  Poieo3D commits to developing an expanding line of 3D printers and accessories designed to be easy to use, affordable, and elegant for your home, school or office.   They strive to bring you the latest and greatest 3D print technology with a quality we stand behind, and at a price you can afford.

Hour two: Craig and Ben cover Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.
It's the Thanksgiving weekend and there's no live show.  Please enjoy a "Best Of Computer America" show that you asked to hear again!  Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Computer America!  We'll see you again LIVE on Monday!
It's the Thanksgiving weekend and there's no live show.  Please enjoy a "Best Of Computer America" show that you asked to hear again!  Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Computer America!
  We'll see you again LIVE on Monday!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Behaviour Most Fowl

A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse  vocabulary.
Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary.

Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude.

 John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer.

 For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.

Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.

 Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer.

 The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior."

 John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude.
 As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird spoke-up, very softly,

"May I ask what the turkey did?"

Monday, November 17, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for teh Week of November 17, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Parallels. The easiest, fastest, and most powerful solution for running Windows on Mac without rebooting. The #1 choice of Mac users for over 8 years, with over 5 million copies sold. And it's not just for running Windows.  Support for running a wide array of operating systems including OS X Mavericks, Windows 8.1 & 7, Linux and Google Chrome means you can do just about anything on your Mac!  Launch Windows apps from the Dock, use OSX gestures in Windows apps, and copy & paste and drag & drop between Mac and Windows.  And that's just for starters with what hyou can do with this amazing little piece of software!  Joining us is Senior Product Manager Kurt Schmucker.

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: RebitRebit6 is the latest version of Rebit's award winning local backup software. With automatic and continuous system protection, Rebit6 maintains point-in-time snapshots so your computer can be fully recovered if there is a malware attack, system, or disk drive failure. Rebit6 also provides the ability to backup both Windows clients and servers with a single product. Known industry wide for its simplicity, no other backup solution provides such comprehensive protection with a single product! Joining us is Rebit's CEO, Paul Guerin!
Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.
Hour one: Intel is here tonight in this Intel Sponsor Hour!  Each month, we have an Intel representative speaking on new Intel products, services and news stories!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.
Both hours: It's our all Linux Show with Computer America Correspondent Larry Bushey, the Host of the Going Linux Podcast!  Tonight's Topic: "The computer operating system doesn't matter anymore... so you should use Linux!" Also joining us will be Steve McLaughlin (a.k.a. DoorToDoor Geek).  Steve is slated to become our NEW Linux Correspondent in January so please welcome him!
Hour one: Beltone.  Back in April, we had Beltone Canada on the show announcing new hearing devices that interface with your smartphone.  Now we hear from Beltone USA to discuss their newest technology products for the hearing imparied!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Monday, November 10, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the Week of November 10, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Off-Grid reports on the people, technologies, events and influences throughout the global off-grid community. is an eclectic mix of practical advice, news from the on-grid world and issues rarely covered by the mainstream media.  It promotes the many enterprises that are working for a sustainable future. It campaigns on issues affecting people who live or work off-grid, including zoning/planning permission where we are calling for changes to allow people to receive special permission to set up off-grid homes in places which do not currently have residential permission.  The brainchild of author and campaigner Nick Rosen, the site now has 75,000 visitors a month, mainly from the US and UK, and continues to expand.  Tune in tonight when we interview Nick to hear all about living off the grid!!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one and two: It's our Gamer Tuesday Show with Computer America Correspondent Grayson Hamilton!  Gray recently completed and received his Masters Degree of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and is actively pursuing a career in video game journalism.  Gray is an Editor-at-Large for Popzara Magazine!  He’s an experienced game enthusiast and author who will give us his viewpoints when it come to computer and set top games! Tonight we discuss the latest from Blizzard and the hot new games for the holidays!
Both Hours: Sandy Berger.  Sandy is our Consumer Electronics Expert Correspondent on Computer America.  She talks about the latest technology gadgets and trends in the industry with us. Tonight's Topics include Phone 6 Plus and a Samsung Galaxy Note 4.  Yantouch's BlackDiamond+ bluetooth speaker that changes color. Also a Polaroid CUBE HD Action Camera. It's an interesting 1 1/2" colorful cube.  Be there!

Both Hours: F-Secure.  David Perry is the new Threat Strategist and Spokesperson for F-Secure!  Tonight we explore all of the newest malware and threats to you and your personal computer!

Both Hours: It's time for Bond...  Ralph Bond joins Craig and Ben with computer news and special topics.  For many years, Ralph was Intel's Consumer Education Director.  Ralph is now with Autodesk and he is an official Computer America correspondent. Topics tonight include 4D printing, 3D printing's impact on Healthcare, an Exoskeleton glove that lets you feel virtual objects, a headset that uses sound to navigate blind people through cities, and a way Lockheed Martin thinks it can give the world unlimited clean energy in 20 years!
Visit Ralph's Website

Monday, November 03, 2014

.@computeramerica Show Line Up for the Week of November 3, 2014

Lineup for the week:
Hour one: Plustek, a manufacturer of consumer, prosumer and professional scanners is here to unveil their newest Scanner, the SmartOffice PS-4080U.  We here at Computer America have always been of the opinion that every computer owner should have a scanner these days, given their inexpensive price tags and the really useful features they offer.  Tonight, you'll hear about Plustek's newest line of scanners for home and office! 
Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one:  BeatBuddy.  Any musician can attest that good drummers are hard to come by, many venues don't have the space for a drum kit, and drum machines aren’t practical for jamming or live gigging. BeatBuddy from Singular Sound solves these issues by giving guitarists, bass players and even keyboard players something they never had before: Complete, hands-free LIVE creative control of a beat.  There’s been a huge buzz in the music community about the revolutionary BeatBuddy drum machine ever since Singular Sound’s Indigogo campaign achieved full funding of its target within a mere 20 hours and proceeded to become the most successful crowdfunding campaign for any musical product!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: Mike Cermak, the Owner/Operator of joins us in in helping you answer your computer questions and solving technical problems!  It's Wednesday Madness and we answer ANY questions you may have about Computers and Technology!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.
Hour one: YouBeam was created by Tenderbox for people who are fed up with the high cost of cable TV. But YouBeam is actually comprised of two products which work together so users can search for free Web content and then watch it directly on their TV!  With YouBeam you get over 100 live international channels and thousands of movies, TV Shows and other videos on-demand.  And there's no commitment as you can cancel at any time!

Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Hour one: is a non-profit organization, operating as a watchdog of the so-called digital watchdogs by providing counterpoint to their advocacy in the Congress, the Executive branch, the courts, in the states / localities and elsewhere.  Mike Wendy directs Media and has been in the tech policy space since 1994, focusing primarily on telecommunications and IT industry-related issues that have emerged over that time.
Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Heaven or Hell --

While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator was tragically hit by a car and died.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."
"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.
The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.  They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes.
They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven...”
So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."
The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell...
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.
"I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?" 
The devil smiles at him and says,

"Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted.." 
                  Vote wisely in November 2014